The IAEI is fortunate to have many supporters who willingly give of themselves to help the organization do its work better. With ever increasing cost to operate and to provide services to both members and customers, it is difficult to find the resources to do everything that should be done.
When a need arose to add an elevator to the IAEI office in Richardson, Texas, to provide better access to hte building and to convert unused space into much needed and functional meeting and office space, the response was quick and sufficient. Seconds, chapters, divisions, outside organizations, and individual members contributed to the effort and made it successful.
The IAEI provides important training for many within the electrical industry. Electrical inspectors, designers, installers, and many others benefit from the types of programs developed and made available by the IAEI. Technology involved in the type of educational material developed and the method of presenting that information in training settings has improved dramatically within the last few years.
The IAEI is focusing on a versatile and effective form of training as part of its current seminar program. Electronic forms of presentations have been well received by participants and is much more flexible than earlier technology. Computer-generated slides incorporating both actual photographs and created graphics bring much more reality into the training and provide more realistic images with which to work. The more training images look like the real world, the more effectively they can be used to help students identify with situations encountered in the field.
Developing this type of training material and presenting it in both the seminar or classroom setting requires a serious commitment of both time and other resources. In an effort to keep the IAEI abreast of this advanced technology and to keep up with future changes, an educational technology fund has been established to provide a means whereby IAEI supporters can become involved in that work. Contributions made to the fund go to the purchase of laptop computers, LCD projectors, and related equipment necessary to develop and use this form of technology. This equipment is used by IAEI staff and other instructors who are part of the IAEI International Office education program.
Technical staff members and other program instructors are using this new technology where possible and the support by several sections, chapters, and individuals has made that possible in several cases. As funds become available, equipment is purchased to enable specific instructors in the IAEI sponsored program to convert to this newer technology.
The following individuals and groups have provided support for the education technology fund:
IAEI Sections
Canadian Section; Eastern Section; Southern Section; Southwestern Section; Western Section
IAEI Chapters
Arkansas Chapter; Nebraska Chapter; New York Chapter; North Dakota Chapter; North Carolina Ellis Cannady Chapter; Ohio Chapter; Ontario Chapter; South Jersey Chapter; Southern California Chapter; Texas Chapter; Utah Chapter; Nova Scotia Chapter.
Andy and Christa Cartal; Philip and Jama Cox
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